The Glenrothes

The Glenrothes Whisky Maker’s Cut

Whisky from Speyside, Scotland

SKU: 000019-SC06006

Alcohol Volume: 48.8%


Tasting Note

Nose: Resinous, candied peel and fresh oak notes. Palate: Rich, spicy, creamy vanilla and orange peel. Finish: Long, fruity, orange peel notes with a hint of nutmeg.

Food Goes Well With This Wine

Nose: Resinous, candied peel and fresh oak notes. Palate: Rich, spicy, creamy vanilla and orange peel. Finish: Long, fruity, orange peel notes with a hint of nutmeg.

Soft Cheese

The Glenrothes

The Glenrothes has been making whisky quietly, and without compromise, since 1879. The Glenrothes whisky itself that puts them on the map, even with no visitors centre or even a road sign in sight. The Glenrothes distillery produces rich and rounded single malt is immaculate and unchanging, handcrafted by a community of whisky makers. The Spirit of Rothes drives the brand on each day, inspiring it to keep creating their award-winning whisky. It’s referred to as an attitude, a way of life, inspired by the people who call Rothes home.

Laura Rampling

Since 2020, Laura Rampling has been The Glenrothes' Master Whiskey Maker, taking over from the legendary Gordon Motion.She has a wealth of experience in the industry, including a highly successful 8-year tenure at William Grant & Sons. With a passion unrivalled and a knowledge that knows no bounds, Laura is now writing the next chapter of their story, shaping the future of The Glenrothes while ensuring the business stays true to its roots of quality, tradition, and expert craftsmanship.
5.0/5.0 Published 54 minutes ago

"Commpletely satisfied"

Eos tollit ancillae ea, lorem consulatu qui ne, eu eros eirmod scaevola sea. Et nec tantas accusamus salutatus, sit commodo veritus te, erat legere fabulas has ut. Rebum laudem cum ea, ius essent fuisset ut. Viderer petentium cu his.

4.0/5.0 Published 1 day ago

"Always the best"

Et nec tantas accusamus salutatus, sit commodo veritus te, erat legere fabulas has ut. Rebum laudem cum ea, ius essent fuisset ut. Viderer petentium cu his.

4.5/5.0 Published 3 days ago


Eos tollit ancillae ea, lorem consulatu qui ne, eu eros eirmod scaevola sea. Et nec tantas accusamus salutatus, sit commodo veritus te, erat legere fabulas has ut. Rebum laudem cum ea, ius essent fuisset ut. Viderer petentium cu his.

5.0/5.0 Published 4 days ago


Sit commodo veritus te, erat legere fabulas has ut. Rebum laudem cum ea, ius essent fuisset ut. Viderer petentium cu his.

Spirits From This Distillery
